Saturday 8 July 2017

Reasons why not to become a do-it-yourself skin specialist

In an effort to save money, countless individuals have turned to the do-it-yourself phenomenon. Thus, folks have become their own hairstylist, chef and even their own workout guru. Although it is not all bad, there comes a time when it is essentially better for folks to get assistance, like when it comes to skin care, for instance. There are numerous reasons why it is best not to become a do-it-yourself dermatologist.

  •          At the outset, a skin doctor in Malviya Nagar like Dr. Jangid has expended years studying their field and their skills. So, they have a level of knowledge, skill and proficiency that the average individual doesn't possess. This is reason enough for somebody to have at least a little bit of self-confidence in a skin specialist's skills and aptitudes. Many slip-ups can be evaded by soliciting their support.
  •      For instance, in a quest to look after their own skin, some individuals resort to store-bought items. This isn't bad in and of itself. However, the issue lies in the fact that the individual doesn't really know which cream or medicine is best for them. They don't realise that selecting the wrong medication could truly cause their skin issues to degrade and cause their skin to become parched. This isn't to say that a prescribed medicine might not cause some dryness. However, at least the skin specialist in AIIMS Hospital is able to monitor the effects and speedily prescribe an effective alternative. Alternatively, if somebody had to try to solve the problem on their own, they would wind up going back to the store making another blind choice. This causes lots of trial and error affairs that could have been sidestepped.
  •       Going hither and thither, probing for the appropriate medicine or cream can cause an individual to expend unwarranted amounts of money, which can be costly, time-consuming and agitating. Although a dermatologist might have some trial and error moments, it won't be as many as if somebody were to go out and hunt for himself.

As cited before, a dermatologist is also able to appropriately monitor progress. So, somebody might believe that they are doing acceptable, but the expert might realise that the progress should be happening at a much speedier pace. Thus, they might prescribe a larger dose to help accelerate the outcomes. In contrast, somebody might think they aren't doing splendidly, which causes them to want to switch out their medicine, but the specialist is able to see that the individual is only experiencing the preliminary side-effects.

Friday 26 May 2017

How can chemical peels be used to treat acne blemishes?

If you think your acne scars are depriving you of a healthy societal life, then maybe it is time to refer a skin specialist in GK 2 regarding the finest acne treatment in South Delhi. A very prevalent method used is a chemical peel as this process has been a staple in countless cosmetic and dermatology clinics. A chemical peel needs a special solution to peel away your timeworn skin so as to be replaced with a fresh epidermal layer. In this technique, a special solution is cautiously applied to your skin. After the medicine is applied, your skin may feel a burning sensation. Days after, your skin will peel off, illuminating a younger looking complexion. 

Chemical peels can be categorized as per the kind of chemical they use and the type of scars they can treat:
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acid-based peels (AHA) - These facial formulae can smoothen jagged spots, help control acne, improve your complete complexion, and can diminish the appearances of shallow acne scars. Since this treatment is only effective on shallow scars, the effect is not that long lasting and several treatments might be vital so as to get the preferred result.
  • Trichloroacetic Acid-based peels (TCA) - TCA peels are stronger than AHA peels. Owing to its strength, this process can paste down lines, wrinkles, eradicate blemishes and treat skin discoloration. Although the results are more long-lasting than AHA peels, TCA treatments can be recurrent to maintain the healthy afterglow.
  • Phenol-based peels - These are the most potent treatments amid the three. But owing to their strength, the healing and recovery procedure is longer. These treatments are feasible options for you if your acne scars are very deep and severe. The effect is long-lasting and the intense outcomes are easily noticed.
Since chemical peels eliminate the hoary skin layer, the newly-grown skin may appear pinkish or reddish at first. This fresh but sensitive layer should always be guarded against the damaging rays of the sun by using sun blocks every day. These treatments do not assure a 100% guarantee that all of your acne scars will be expunged. The victory of chemical peels will always depend on the severity of your blemishes and on the sensitivity of your skin. To further guarantee the success of the process, listen to your dermatologist about the post-procedure skin care tips to speed up the retrieval process.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Things to Consider Before Undergoing Laser Hair Removal

New and improved techniques for hair removal are persistently being developed. Some have been efficacious, while others have done their jobs less effectually. The success related with hair removal is still a matter of dispute. This dispute centers around the fact whether hair removal offers a perpetual solution for hair removal and more significantly whether it is safe or not. There are some things that you must look after before laser hair removal in Malviya Nagar to get the maximum advantage out of the procedure.

What is laser hair removal?

As the name advises, laser hair removal is a procedure of epilation that uses a laser beam to impair the hair follicle. A laser device releases a beam of light, which is absorbed by the hair follicle. It is the existence of melanin that supports the follicle to absorb this beam of light. In doing so, the follicle is wrecked and perpetual hair reduction takes place. An individual needs to go through several sittings of laser hair removal in order for this process to be prosperous.

Before laser hair removal: Things to look after

  • There are some things that you must be alert of and incorporate before you undergo laser hair removal:
  • Learn as much as you can about the process that your body will undergo. This will help you ask the right queries to the expert who is going to implement the procedure.
  • It is imperative that you have no suntan or sunburn when you undergo laser hair removal treatment. At least a 4 week gap between the time you had a suntan or sunburn and the laser hair removal treatment is a necessity for an efficacious process.
  • You may be asked to circumvent laser hair removal if you have a dark skin tone. But if you have been given the green signal, you will need to engage in a bleaching regimen, at least two weeks before you begin laser treatment.
  • Do not undergo epilation processes such as waxing electrolysis or tweezing a minimum of three weeks before you undergo laser treatment.
  • You need to shave the zone that needs to be treated before undergoing the procedure. Discuss with Dr. Jangid, a skin specialist in South Delhi as to when this needs to be done. Usually, you need to shave the region around 1-3 days before treatment.
  • Before going through the process, it is imperative that you don't suffer from skin septicity on the target area for eliminating hair.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

What is the Right Time to Visit a Dermatologist?

Some individuals, who need a doctor for their skin, have been trusting on cosmetologists to cure them. A skin doctor in South Delhi or dermatologist is an individual who has undergone medical training. Dermatologists are well familiar in treating skin ailments, injuries from burns, operation, accidents and systemic illnesses. This is the individual you should visit if your skin problem is recurring. You should also see one when you notice vicissitudes in your skin, such as growths, moles or tumors. If you experience itching and general sickness, it is vital to seek medical attention. Dermatologists are trained to detect and treat skin problems ascending from the HIV septicity and viral infections such as herpes etc. 

At the present time, there are dermatologists and skin specialist in South Delhi who are practicing aesthetic dermatology. Maximum of us go to skincare advisers for skin complications that need a dermatologist. Consultants are trained to handle cosmetic and caring facet of an otherwise healthy skin. Their authority is limited to counseling clients on appropriate products for skin maintenance. They may help to deal with trivial skin inadequacies such as pimples, jagged skin tone, dryness, oiliness and so forth. Their scope is restricted to offer guidance on surface skin treatments such as facials and peels. They are not trained to detect diseases or to prescribe any sort of medicine. There are some signs that can elicit you to visit a skin doctor in South Delhi. If you have ever visited a tanning salon or been sun-tanned (even if it was years ago), you need to get yourself to a skin doctor. While everybody should get their moles checked, sun-lovers particularly need to take care nothing uncharacteristic is going on. Also, if you have begun to experience more sun sensitivity than usual (accompanied by muscle aches and intense exhaustion) head to a dermatologist for a biopsy and blood work; these are symptoms of systemic lupus, which needs to be managed prudently.

Melasma (a hormonal reaction to sun exposure that triggers tan blotches to develop on the face, often on the forehead and upper lip) is a maddening problem familiar to many pregnant females and those who take hormonal birth control. In such a situation, timely visit to a dermatologist if your skin doesn’t react to OTC therapies within two months is the solution. They can offer stronger bleaching agents, chemical peels and laser treatments that will deliver perceptible outcomes.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Get Answers to Your Questions about Laser Hair Removal

Nobody wants to have to shave every day, week in and week out. And cheers to laser hair removal in Malviya Nagar techniques, they don't have to. But, since this service is comparatively new in comparison to old-fashioned shaving or waxing, many who may profit from it tend to recoil. When executed by a trained skin doctor in South Delhi, however, laser hair removal is a remarkable way to confiscate undesirable hair. But making the decision to get a laser hair removal process done is a big one. The best way to make the choice is to be knowledgeable about the process and what to expect. The following questions and answers can help you make a knowledgeable decision about laser hair removal.

Who seeks out laser hair removal?

Just about anybody who wants to have undesirable hair removed. Laser hair removal procedures are idyllic for confiscating hair from a number of places and are sought out by both males and females of essentially any age.

How does it work?

Laser hair removal encompasses the use of a laser light to remove uninvited hair. It can be used to confiscate hair on the face, neck, chest, under-arms, legs and even bikini line. A number of diverse lasers are used, contingent on the professional handling the process and when it is implemented by a qualified operator, laser removal is considered reasonably safe.

Can anybody get laser hair removal done?

The answer to that is yes and no. Some skin categories react better than others and those with tans might have to wait until the tans dwindle to have the process done. An experienced professional is the best to decide who can and cannot have laser hair removal techniques performed.

What kind of hair is laser removal effective on?

Usually, laser hair removal is most effective on hair that is short and noticeable. This means a contender will need to shave before the removal is done, but with adequate time to have some stubble grow back.

Is laser treatment permanent?

Yes and no. Although it is considered perpetual, some hair might grow back over time. Remember, too, that contingent on the region being treated, manifold treatments might be essential to remove hair. On the plus side, the hair that grows back inclines to be lighter and finer and if it does grow back, it takes lots of time to do so. There shouldn't be a necessity for shaving or waxing for a long, long time.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Are you disturbed because of nasty-looking acne? Read on for a solution!

There are numerous treatments to throw away acne scars and chemical peels are one of the most acclaimed options by dermatologists. But is it safe and risk-free? This process encompasses acid being applied to the troubled area to burn down the topmost layer of the skin until it is able to be flayed off. When the scalded skin is removed, a new healthier layer is observable. The new skin has a smoother, fresher and flawless appearance. There is no doubt that chemical peels are fruitful to eradicate acne scars, skin texture and tone. However, there isn't only good news when it comes to these techniques. Many individuals that have tried this option have also experienced some bad outcomes.

Anybody who has chemical peels done will have to go through a retrieval time. The time it takes to recuperate depends on the severity of this acne treatment in South Delhi and how it is administrated. If you are keen on a more aggressive treatment, you should anticipate a longer retrieval and healing time. Improvement will always depend on how well your skin responds to the treatment, but for deep chemical peels, it is generally everything from 5 days to 4 weeks. If you are all about the lighter version, you still need to contemplate the retrieval time. In fact, all the individuals considering any kind of chemical peel have to expect some degree of inflammation, peeling, puffiness and soreness. These techniques aren't a one-time thing either. The procedure of entirely clearing your skin from inadequacies with chemical peels can become moderately inconvenient since it often takes more than one visit to see actual outcomes. Along with the price, retrieval and time inconvenience, this treatment is accompanying a multiplicity of side-effects. Hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation are one of the most common side-effects that people can encounter. You need to consult a skin specialist in South Delhi to know more.

Milder but effective options to rid acne scars

If you are worried about side-effects, it is better to opt for milder yet effective options to confiscate scars. One of the most effective treatments for acne blemishes is actually microdermabrasion and you can use this option in the coziness of your home. Microdermabrasion creams have the same advantages as chemical peels and you should anticipate having a smoother, livelier and healthier-looking complexion. The only disadvantage with this product is that it takes longer to see outcomes.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Most Common Skin Problems and the Solutions

Your skin has to face many pollution as well as direct sunlight and stress which can have a few negative effects on your skin. It requires a lot of determination to adopt a skin care regimen to your daily basis on such a busy schedule, we help you by providing you the names of most common skin problems and their solutions. 

 Acne: -  most of the teenagers have this common problem of acne. The bad thing is that this problem just does not go with puberty. Many adults have the recurrent type of acne problem. Humid and hot conditions, stress and sweating are the major cause of the acne. Cleaning or washing your skin regularly might be of little help. It’s quite difficult to deal with acne problem. That’s why it suggested visiting a dermatologist to find a better and permanent solution for it. Acne mostly requires regular medication when simple cosmetic product don’t work on them.

Dark circles: -  if you are having stress and unable to take proper night sleep then your skin would develop dark circles. Bad eating habits can also have a significant impact on your skin condition. The combination of these habits can cause dark circles. So, it's suggested to eat healthy food and drink a lot of water which would improve your skin. You can use cucumber application on your eyes to get rid of a dark circle or wet tea bags.

Sunburns: - some people go out on a sunny day without any protection. Ultraviolet A and B radiations are very harmful to your skin. Fair skin people mostly suffer from sunburns due to ultraviolet effect as their skin does not produce much melanin to provide proper protection against the sun. it would be highly suggested that you shouldn’t go out without proper protection against the sun. you should apply SPF 30 or something higher. After sun care is also essential once you are indoors you should apply vitamin e to deal with sunburns.
In the end, I would like to say you can take whatever treatment you like but you can get the best treatment of skin in Delhi just by searching Skin Doctor in South Delhi or you can search for Acne Treatment in South Delhi if you live near Delhi you can respectively search treatments near to your location but in my suggestion, you can get almost best treatment here.

Reasons why not to become a do-it-yourself skin specialist

In an effort to save money, countless individuals have turned to the do-it-yourself phenomenon. Thus, folks have become their own hairst...