Thursday 29 December 2016

Most common skin diseases and their treatments

The skin is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for regulating the body temperature. The skin is prone to several problems like burning, swelling, irritations, allergies, acne and so on. The Skin Specialist in AIIMS Hospital will examine all the skin related problems and give you the apt solution for it.
Here are a few problems:
Acne—It hampers the oil glands. Sebum is the oil produced by the glands. The follicle connects the gland and the sebum and when the follicle is clogged up, acne is formed.  Almost 80 percent of people suffer from it and prescription drugs might give a relief. But, it is better to connect with Acne Treatment in South Delhi for all your acne related problems.

Eczema—It is for long term and there aren’t any particular tests to find out about eczema. Your family history can help to diagnose about it.  The symptoms are dry skin, itchiness, and skin rashes on different parts of the body and so on. Consult Skin Specialist in AIIMS Hospital!

Hives— If you are allergic to food or drug, you can expect hives. It could be due to stress or also infection from others. If you happen to see red bumps on your skin, it is better to check with the skin specialist before it spreads to the entire body.

 Impetigo—It is caused by a special kind of bacteria and you will mostly see them between the age group of 2 to 6years. The bacteria might enter when there is a skin cut or scratch. Soon there will be sores on the body wherein pus formation would take place. The sores can be seen on face, neck. Legs, arms and so on. Antibiotics must be taken to deal with Impetigo.

Psoriasis: It causes redness, itchiness and swelling. It is usually seen on knees; elbows face palms, soles of the feet, lower back and so on. It is difficult to diagnose psoriasis as it might look like other diseases.  The Skin Specialist in AIIMS Hospital will carry out several tests to find out this disease. The treatment varies on the size of the psoriasis, type of the psoriasis and so on.

Thus, it is vital to take good care of the skin so that you don’t have to deal with skin ailments.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Fungal skin infections causing itchy problems

There are certain funguses that are the root cause of all the excessive skin fungal infections. The keratin is made of proteins and if your skin is infected by funguses, they stay above the keratin level, thereby affecting your skin. You must approach Skin Doctor in South Delhi to get treated immediately.  Here are a few reasons of skin fungal infections:
People who are on steroids
People who have weak immune system
People who are suffering from diabetes or have high blood pressure

 Types of skin fungal infections:
Athlete’s Foot: It occurs when both bacteria and fungus affect your skin. It leaves the skin dry and itchy. It occurs between the toes. It can be spread from one person to another hence it is better to be careful while stepping out from sauna, Jacuzzi and swimming pool.

It can occur in your groin area, on your scalp and your body. The fungus will cause redness and give you an itchy feeling in your groin area. Men who sweat a lot are prone to ringworm infections in the groin area.  The body parts that are exposed to the external environment might have red patches and rings which can spread to the entire body. It is better to consult Skin Doctor in Malviya Nagar before your body is completely harmed by fungal infections. If there is ringworm on the scalp, there are huge chances of hair loss. Itchy scalp and inflammation will be common.

Nail infections:
The nails will become crumbly and malformed. Your nails will thicken and it is usually seen in toe nails. This type of fungal infection is seen rarely in finger nails, If your nails are infected, there are high chances that your health will be affected as you will be consuming the food from the same hands. The , Skin Doctor in Malviya Nagar  can be contacted without any delay as the treatment required immediate attention. 

How to avoid fungal skin infections:
The fungal skin infections are said to spread from person to person. You might come in contact with these infections in gym areas, swimming pools, sharing towels, bed sheets or other personal items.
Thus, you must be careful while dealing with others’ belongings as you might come in contact with infection. Contact Skin Doctor in South Delhi in case of skin infections.

Monday 26 December 2016

Anxiety disorders could lead to skin diseases in teenagers

Skin problems are common and no matter how hard we try to take care of the skin, the external environment and harsh chemicals will affect the skin. But, did you ever realize that your anxiety level equally is responsible for your skin? Research has found out that teenagers are more prone to depression which leads to hormonal changes in the body. You can get your skin examined Skin Specialist in South Delhi.
 It has also been found out that if you are depressed for a longer time, you could also contact arthritis, digestive system problems and liver issues. If you have suffered from heart disease, you are more prone to anxiety disorders. Heart issues aren’t common in teenagers but heart failures are common and this could take them in depression for a long time.
The mental illness has a direct relation with physical diseases. A lot of research has taken place to find out the correlation between the anxiety level and skin diseases and the studies have proved it. If there are too many things to be worried about in life, you will definitely think a lot about it and get into depression sooner or later. You will stop enjoying the moments, the family time, socializing and other activities. There will be a change in your lifestyle and eating habits. You can consult Skin Doctor in Malviya Nagar and they are sure to assist you in getting rid of the skin problems.
The skin problems such as dryness, acne and dullness can be cured with a simple change in the lifestyle and food habits along with some skin creams. But, the major problems like psoriasis, epilepsy, dark patches and severe irrigations need the involvement of a doctor. There are Skin Specialists in South Delhi who are well-experienced in dealing with skin care. You must fix an appointment and consult them.
The skin is the reflection of a good health. Be it your physical illness or mental disorders, your skin is sure to be affected. If cosmetic creams, gels and drugs aren’t working on your skin, it is time you consider your mental peace. You need to get in terms with mental illness to get the desired skin you want.
Thus, drink plenty of water and meditate on regular basis to get a healthy skin.

Saturday 24 December 2016

Winter Skin Care: Avoid exfoliation, stay away from heater

Yes, the winters are nearing and we are already worried about our hair and skin. The decreasing temperature and the chilly winds are sure to damage the skin. If you want better skin care tips Skin Doctor in South Delhi as they can help you with better tips and can prescribe you the lotions that your skin needs.
We are always under the impression that the skin had dead cells that needs to be removed every now and then. Yes, exfoliation is a must but it is not recommended during winters. It along with the dead cells takes away the moisture from the skin leading to dullness and dryness. You can limit scrubbing to once in a month as per the experts. Also, check the ingredients when you are purchasing a scrub. It is always better to opt for homemade scrubs as they have natural ingredients and will nourish your skin without any side-effects.  There are several Skin Specialists in GK 2   who can guide you to take care of your skin.
The most common mistake that people make during the winter is using the heater. You must avoid sitting too close to the heater as it tends to damage the skin.  All you can do is sit a little away from the heater so that moisture of the body is retained and you can deal with the cold as well as protect your skin.  You can also put a bowl near the heater to balance the moisture.
A thicker cream is not the solution for your skin protection.  Many people are under the impression that a thicker cream protects all the layers of the skin. You can apply a serum under the moisturizer and then cream to safeguard the skin layers. If you have oily skin, you still need to apply the moisturizer or else the oil production will go down.  This will lead to breakouts. Be it normal, dry or oily skin, moisturizing them during the winter is a must.
The Skin Doctor in South Delhi will examine your skin and will recommend the lotions accordingly as every skin is different and needs protection at different levels.
Hope this article has been informative to you. Do take good care of your skin and let us know your input.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Take precautions during laser hair removal, experts advise

Hate your hairy skin? Tired of waxing your hair every month? Need a permanent solution to it? Yes, laser hair removal procedures are the best solution to get rid of the hair problems permanently. It is very popular in the celebrity world as people hardly have any time to spend on lengthy hair removal procedures. But, nothing comes without a cost and so does the laser hair removal procedures. You need to take a lot of care before, during and after the laser hair treatment. You can consult with Laser Hair Removal in Malviya Nagar. Here are a few mandatory precautions that must be taken during a laser hair removal process:

Avoid tanning:
You must avoid tanning before 4-6 weeks prior to the laser treatment to avoid any effect of it on your laser process. You must also refrain from using sprays and self tanning creams.
Avoid bleaching and waxing:
You need to preserve the hair pigment and roots before you are opting for laser hair treatment.  If you are waxing or bleaching or plucking your hair before the laser treatment, you will be risking the hair that will enter into re-growth phase. Your laser treatment will completely be spoiled.
Shaving the area:
You must shave a day before the laser hair removal process. It will prevent the thermal injuries. The laser will directly go to the hair follicles and will give you the best results once you are done with the process. The Skin Doctor in Malviya Nagar will help you with better solutions.

Washing the area:
Your skin must be clean and free from oil and other chemicals before you are going for the treatment.
 The Skin Doctor in Malviya Nagar will ask you to wash the area completely so that the treatment goes well.

Apart from these precautions, you must also ensure that you protect your skin from the harmful UV rays post the treatment. You must get your laser hair removal process done only by a professional doctor as experience adds to the results. You cannot experiment with your skin, hence contact the best Skin Doctor in Malviya Nagar.

Your task is not over once the laser hair removal is done. You will have to take extra precautions post the laser treatment. Do share your feedback with us!

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